Please find below recordings from our all of our FE Colleges of Sanctuary online events.
FE Colleges Network Meeting: Empowering Student Voice and Leadership
5th March 2024
FE Colleges Network Meeting: Wellbeing and Welfare
30th December 2023
FE Colleges Network Meeting: An Introduction to FE Colleges of Sanctuary
3rd October 2023

Scotland Colleges of Sanctuary Launch
This recording is accessible via the College Development Network online platform, for more information about the event see here.
Supporting New Afghan Arrivals
This hour-long session recorded on 27 January 2022 provides an overview of some of the key issues facing sanctuary seekers arriving at FE Colleges, with a particular focus on Afghan arrivals. The speakers offer concrete suggestions on how FE Colleges can develop supportive, welcoming environments that enable new arrivals to integrate and thrive. Speakers include Katie Barringer of Refugee Education UK and young people with lived experience of seeking sanctuary in the UK supported by British Red Cross.
Colleges of Sanctuary Resource Pack Launch
FE Education Financing in England