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TRAINING LAUNCH: Welcoming Refugees at Further Education Colleges

We are delighted to be working with Refugee Education UK to deliver practitioner training to promote educational access and outcomes for young refugees.

This unique training package is tailored to meet the needs of Further Education Colleges to fully understand the barriers to educational access and progression for young people seeking safety and how to overcome them, and how the college can be a place of safety, belonging and support.

A package of workshops will be run on a rolling basis and be relevant for staff in a variety of different roles. Each workshop lasts 2.5 hours and has a maximum of 20 participants owing to their interactive approach.


What does the training include?

Session 1: Introduction

Understanding immigration statuses, refugee access and progress in FE and how to grow your ability to meet the needs of students from forced displacement backgrounds.

This session is aimed at: all college staff but particularly those in front-facing roles, including (but not limited to), the Sanctuary Lead, curriculum lead, EDI Lead, head of Student Services, admissions/enrolment staff, catering staff, personal tutors and/or pastoral support, ESOL teachers, etc..

Session 2: Enrolment

Understanding entitlements, documentation and low-income status for students seeking sanctuary and how to create a positive enrolment experience.

This session is aimed at: admissions and enrollment staff, finance team, temporary/agency staff supporting admissions, Sanctuary Leads, etc…

Session 3: Academics

Previous qualifications, assessing students’ ability, ESOL and GCSE/A-Levels.

This session is aimed at: the Sanctuary Lead, curriculum managers, personal tutors, language assessors, admissions and enrolment staff, student services, etc…

How does it work?

Steps to access the training

  1. Buy credits for college staff to participate in trainings. 1 credit = 1 place per workshop.
  2. Be notified of upcoming sessions & book places for relevant staff members at convenient times using your credits.
  3. Staff attend relevant training sessions.
  4. Purchase more credits as required.

The more credits a college purchases, the price per credit unit decreases, so hopefully this will enable Colleges to commit more staff to these training opportunities.. 

We strongly recommend that this training becomes part of your regular CPD offer/ induction processes for staff members and that access to this training is shared amongst a wide range of staff.

If relevant, this training can be offered bespoke for your institution. If you have around 20 staff members you wish to attend a training session, get in touch to let us know and we may be able to deliver this exclusively  for your institution.

To order credits and sign up to be notified about upcoming workshops, see here: REUK training: group booking.